
Han Heupers new director HFI

This month, Han Heupers started as director of HFI. He succeeds Theo Boks, who is stepping down as director after five and a half years. Han has spent the last 12 years as Managing Director/COO of various companies in the mechanical engineering and metal industry. Before that, he held operational positions at companies in various industries. Below he introduces himself:

My name is Han Heupers, 56 years old, married and living in Enschede.

HFI’s company description and the profile of the new director both appealed to me. HFI suits me as a company because of my down-to-earthness, no-nonsense attitude and affinity with technology and culture. The conversations I had with Theo Boks, the MT and the Works Council and the Andra Tech Group board, among others, confirmed this positive image. They shared the view that I am the right person to succeed Theo Boks.

The differences between Theo and myself are not very big. Basically, we are similar managers, although of course there will be differences in execution.I too am a people manager with an eye for processes and technology as well as for employees.You can buy machines, but in the end it’s the people who make the difference in a company.In that respect, it won’t be a big change after Theo’s departure.I respect what Theo has achieved at HFI in recent years. Thanks to both his business and human side, HFI has grown above average in both turnover and efficiency. I will continue to build on what Theo has achieved together with HFI’s employees.

HFI’s drive and ambition are great.The expansion of the business premises and machinery will create even more opportunities to deliver the required capacity.Still, we need to keep thinking about the future. Currently, we have enough orders in our portfolio. However, what will be our strategy for the coming years? How do we ensure that we continue to grow and stay in control?

I will frequently be found on the shop floor getting to know HFI’s employees. My way of working is characterised by being present in the company without getting in people’s way. I believe that when you manage a company you need to know what is going on in the various departments.

I am also someone who makes decisions based on discussions with staff. In this way, I gain substantive knowledge while at the same time creating support for a decision through input from the staff.

I look forward to working with the staff of HFI and of Andra Tech Group.My door is always open for suggestions for improvements, a listening ear or a simple chat!